LABOUR will usher in an ambitious, youth-driven transformation in our country in order to unleash transformative ideas and policies that will enrich our people and our country. LABOUR will include young people in decision making at the national level to ensure that we build a better country that caters to the needs of our future leaders and entrepreneurs. The creative economy (often called the “Orange Economy”) will be unlocked so that creativity, the arts and culture can be pursued as careers and productive endeavours by our people.

During our term in office, a new LABOUR Administration will:

  1. Build a National Performing Arts Centre and Academy
  2. Build a national indoor sporting facility and ensure all outdoor sporting facilities in every community are equipped with the appropriate lighting, bathroom and locker-room facilities.
  3. Facilitate the provision of medical insurance packages for all national sports representatives
  4. Ensure that national committees and statutory boards include qualified, young persons under the age of 35
  5. Establish a ‘National Youth Advisory Council’ to provide the Government with options for guiding decision making on matters that will directly impact the youth of St. Kitts and Nevis
  6. Introduce fiscal incentives for creatives (e.g. artists, DJs, musicians et al) to import equipment, raw material and instruments
  7. Implement start-up accelerator programmes with a focus on stimulating creative industries which would provide young people  with the seed investment, connections, mentorship and educational components necessary for success
  8. Strengthen regional and international networks geared towards growth, development and business opportunities for local artistes
  9. Improve and bolster the St. Kitts‐Nevis National Youth Service Programme to provide youth with valuable work and life experiences